Bharat Jain
Bharat Jain
- Total Subscriber: 233K Subscribers
- Genre: Tech
- Gender: Male
- Languages: Hindi,
- Platform Type: YouTube
About Influencer
Bharat Jain is a YouTube Channel that delivers tech-based videos. The channel is owned and managed by Bharat Jain himself. This channel was started by Bharat on May 22, 2012. Since then he has uploaded more than 170 videos on his channel. The channel has crossed the mark of 9 million views and soon reaching the milestone of 10 million views. Bharat Jain YouTube channel is also subscribed by more than 169K viewers on YouTube. The motive of the channel is to deliver all the latest technology trends, tips, and tricks to its viewers. The playlist of the channel consists of videos on Spy Gadgets unboxing & Review Videos, Sales & Marketing Videos in Electronic Security, CCTV Knowledge Tutorials Videos, and IP Camera Installation Series with Basics.
To contact Bharat Jain for any brand promotions or collaborations you can fill the request form or directly connect via call or email mentioned above.
YouTube Channel description of Bharat Jain :
हमारे इस चैनल पर Electronic Gadgets और Technology से related Videos होंगे आने वाले समय में और भी कई Technology से Related Videos आते रहेंगे। मेरी पूरी कौशीश रहेगी की हर Week नयी नयी Technology आप सब लोगों से Introduce कराता रहु Because मेरा Profession यही है If you would like me to checkout your product just let me know, I'd be happy to review your product anytime :) If you want to book Bharat Sir Personal Time or you want to consult him, please click here: -